Thursday, December 3, 2009

Weekly Appointments

Today was the start of our weekly appointments with our OB. They will consist of an ultrasound, and a non-stress test. Tommy's head size this week was measuring about 3 to 4 weeks ahead which is about the same as it was on November 20th. Everything else was still measuring within normal range which was a relief.
After the ultrasound we met with our doctor to discuss delivery options. As of today I think we are planning to deliver in Atlanta because he thinks Tommy will have to have shunt surgery soon after he is born. Our doctor does not want to add anymore stress to Tommy by having to have him transported to Atlanta after birth and that way I could be with him as well.
I am a little scared about not having my OB, who I absolutely love, deliver me but I will do whatever is best for Tommy.
We both left his office today feeling more hopeful about the future. It has been so hard for me to realize that I cannot control this situation and that I have to trust in God and that he will take care of us.


  1. Holli, we ALL have to trust that God is in control and He WILL take care of us. We just have to keep the prayers going!

  2. Holli,
    I am at a loss for words... Jenn told me about your precious Tommy today. Lauren told me about your blog and it is beautiful and so full of hope! I just want you to know that I, among many, are praying for you, Tommy, and baby Tommy. You guys are special and I know God is in control of your precious family.
    Love, hugs, and prayers,
    Jan Miller
    P.S. I am going to continue to follow via this blog... keep writing, Holli, it is a blessing to your readers as well as good for you, too, I am sure.

  3. I love you, Tommy, and baby Tommy so much!! I will continue to pray constantly. Your blog is so special. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Holli,
    After I read your story, I immediately started praying for baby Tommy. He is already loved very much by everyone in his life, including me! I will pray that ya'll will continue to be filled with His Love and Peace, and that He will pour his blessing on you, Tommy, and Baby Tommy every day!

  5. Holli I had no idea all this was going on, I am actually at loss for words, I can not believe how much you guys have been through! I know god has a plan for you and Tommy and Baby tommy and he works in amazing ways. I will be praying for you guys and continue to follow your blog, i love ya'll and let me know if there is anything I can do for ya'll!

  6. HEy Holli,
    I completely and totally understand what you are feeling and thinking right now. YOu have been Tommy's mother since the day you found out you were pregnant and you are already showing that you are a FANTASTIC mother by displaying your strength, courage, and faith in GOD! GOD chose YOU to be his mother!! What a gift!! The worst feeling in the world is the fear of the unknown, especially when it is about your child and there has been many of times I have asked myself why my ASA but the truth is this...God knows that we will do everything for our child no matter what.GOd knows that we will not give up hope and that we will do EVERYTHING POSSIBLE for our children. God gives special babies to special mothers...You are special HOlly! YOu have always been so full of life, funny, and beautiful on the inside and out! Please know that I am here for you...praying for your family and for that sweet precious Tommy..One last note, many people go through their entire life not knowing what their purpose in life may be---your purpose is Tommy....Love you. Sugas

  7. Holli,
    Wow! I can't believe all that you and Tommy have been going through! We love all three of you SO much and will be praying daily for y'all. Thank you for sharing this with us. I am especially awed by your strong faith. It is what gets us through life and yours is such a good example for us all. You are a wonderful mom! We will always be there for you, Tommy and precious baby Tommy.
    Love, Mary Ella and Frank

  8. Holli-

    I love your blog and have enjoyed reading it and remembering the ups and downs of the past few months. You are going to be such a wonderful mother to Tommy and I can wait for him and Jack to be best friends!!
