Thursday, December 10, 2009

More Contractions

I am starting to believe that baby Tommy is just like his daddy when it comes to always wanting to get somewhere early. Hopefully he will listen to his mommy and stay put for a while.

On Wednesday, Tommy and I went to the doctor's office because I was still having some pain. They hooked me up to the monitor to see his heart rate and to monitor the contractions. After about ten minutes the nurse practitioner came to look at everything and decided to show our doctor to see what he suggested. She came back and gave me a coke and granola bar to get baby Tommy moving more (this was my first caffeinated drink in 8 months, I decided I would give up caffeine because I couldn't give up sweets). After a few minutes he was all over the place and my contractions were more intense. She came back in the room to check me and told me that I was a good centimeter dilated. Our doctor then came into the room and started me on some medicine to take 2 or 3 times a day to hopefully stop the contractions. He also gave me a shot of steroids just in case baby Tommy comes any time soon. I am hoping that the epidural is a lot less painful than the steroid shot!

Today we had a scheduled appointment. I was glad for that because I wanted to see about the contractions since I can't feel most of them. We first had an ultrasound to check the ventricles in his brain and to see if there was anymore fluid. So far it hasn't increased since last week. But the doctor told us that it may not change weekly so we will still continue to watch and measure every week. Then, we had the non stress test done on the baby. This was with the same machine they used yesterday and Sunday. So I was able to see if I was contracting. The medicine is working so far because I think I only had some small ones. Praise God!!!! I am hoping that we can go until our next appointment, on Wednesday, without anymore scares.

Thank you all so much for the prayers and support. Please keep praying for baby Tommy and that he will be patient and wait before making his appearance.

1 comment:

  1. Hollie I spoke with Martha last night after Stephen told me about this precious child that will be entering this world- Just know that I am praying for you and "Bergalootie"(that's what I called that husband of yours when he was growing up). I have "instructed" Martha to let me know when baby Tommy arrives- Love you both Cindy Jones
