Saturday, April 3, 2010


This past week I have noticed a fluid spot on the back of Tommy's head. A couple of days later he got another one on top of his head. On Friday we went to see our pediatrician. She was not sure what it was but thinks it may be CSF (cerebral spinal fluid). She tried to get in touch with our neurosurgeon but he was in surgery. The thing that is so frustrating about Dandy Walker is that no one really knows much about it.
On Saturday afternoon our pediatrician called and talked to the neurosurgeon that was on call. The neurosurgeon seems to think that it is CSF and that may be leaking through his sutures(spaces that haven't fused together in the skull). If that is the case Tommy may be developing Hydrocephalus and the reason he doesn't have any symptoms just yet is because the leaking of the fluid is not causing pressure on his brain. So as of right now the plan is to go to Atlanta next week and meet with our neurosurgeon and get another ultrasound done. On Monday we have an appointment with our neurologist. This will be the first time he has met us so I am hoping he will have some answers for us.
Needless to say we are on pins a needles and feel helpless. I am so scared of what our baby will have to go through and hate that there is nothing we can do to make it go away. It is not fair for a child to have to go through so many procedures and so much pain.
Please continue to pray for Tommy and please pray that he has not and will not develop Hydrocephalus.
Thank you all for your love and support. We are so lucky to have such good family and friends.


  1. My Precious Holli, I thank God daily for the loving, caring mommy you have become. Tommy couldn't have better parents than you and Tommy. I love you all so much and pray that God will answer our prayers that Tommy not develop hydrocephalus. I also know that God will be with us whatever we have to face. Much Love, Mom

  2. Holli, I am upping my prayers for little Tommy and for all your family. Have courage, prayers really work. Jennifer (Ireland) xx
