Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tommy's 2 week check-up

For the past three nights baby T has had an upset tummy and has gotten little sleep which also means we have gotten little sleep. After the first night of his tummy ache I was in desperate need of my mom. She spent the night on Sunday and let me get some sleep. She has been amazing!!! I would not be able to function without her coming over everyday so I can nap since Tommy loves to "play" during the night.
I was excited about having his two week check up to ask our pediatrician if there was anything we could do to help his tummy issues. We went today and thank goodness he didn't have to get any shots this time. He now weighs 7lbs and 5ozs and is 19 inches long. She also told us that everything looks good(huge relief). I have started giving him formula to see if that helps his tummy. Today was the first full day on the formula so hopefully tonight we will get some sleep.
I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Big Tommy gets up on the weekends with him so I can sleep. He tells me that it is their "man time" and they watch fishing and cooking shows and talk about everything that they are going to do together once he gets bigger. I just hope big Tommy realizes that I plan on making baby T a mommas boy!
We go this Thursday to Atlanta to meet with the neurosurgeon. I am excited and anxious all at the same time. I continue to pray for no Hydrocephalus and no developmental delay.
I am still amazed at how much I love baby T. I could have never imagined a love greater than this. It is absolutely amazing!!! I am so thankful that God has blessed us with him and I am forever grateful.

Thank you so much for all the prayers. Please continue to keep baby T in your prayers.

God is great!!!


  1. Hey Holli! My name is Kelly Taylor. I found your blog on the Dandy-Walker website about a month ago and have been following ever since. I am expecting a baby boy due in April, and he's been diagnosed with Dandy Walker Malformation. I would love to talk with you and find out more about Tommy's situation. Would you feel comfortable emailing me? If so, my email address is kellysmithtaylor@gmail.com.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

  2. He is so precious! I am so happy for you. Our son had tummy trouble too. It took us a while to find something that worked...Similac sensitive (orange label) worked for him.
