Thursday, March 18, 2010


On Friday, March 12, the neurosurgeon's nurse called and I told her all of Tommy's symptoms and she told me that she wanted us to bring his scans and him and check into the ER at Scottish Rite. She wanted us to do this just in case he need a shunt right away. She also told us that our neurosurgeon was out of town and that we would see one of his partners. We were very worried about that because we had never met him or heard anything about him.
Once we checked into the ER they put us in a room to wait for the surgeon. They told us not to feed Tommy and that the doctor was in surgery and that it could be an hour or it could be five hours. Poor Tommy was so hungry so we kept having to put sugar water on his paci.
Once the surgeon came in he told us that it was Dandy Walker Malformation (we were told it was the variant). He also said that he did not have Hydrocephalus right now but could develop it. He also told us that there was fluid but that it wasn't causing pressure on his brain. Tommy does have a corpus collosum but it is thin(not sure how having a thin one will affect him as opposed to a normal sized one). After he left the room we were more confused than ever. We felt like we were back at square one. After attempting to answer our questions he told us that we could leave and to make an appointment with our neurosurgeon in a couple of weeks.
I have talked to our doctors nurse and she wants us to come in a couple of weeks and have a cranial ultrasound and then meet with his surgeon to discuss what the next plan is. In the meantime we have to watch for signs that he is developing Hydrocephalus. If we notice anything we have to take him to Scottish Rite to be assessed.
Thank you so much for all of the support and prayers. Baby Tommy is so strong and I truly believe it is because of all of the prayers. He is such a gift from God!!!


  1. I know all of these events have been so scary for you all. I've come to the conclusion that any form of Dandy Walker leads to so much confusion. We're 2 1/2 weeks away from delivery right now and there is so much confusion and uncertainty about our Zachary. I hope and pray that you get some answers at your next appt with your neurosurgeon. Praying for you all....

  2. Ya'll hang in there!! I hope you get some answers soon!

  3. Holli, I am praying for you all and especially little Tommy. Our daughter,Louise, was born a week ago today and so far she's as well as she could be. You're right about all those prayers, I think they definitely have a big effect.
    Jennifer xx(Ireland)
