Friday, January 22, 2010

Tommy Update

I have a little time to update the blog while baby Tommy sleeps (yes I actually thought I would have more time to update).

Baby Tommy was born on Monday at 5:36 p.m. and he is 18 1/4 inches long weighing 6lbs and 14 ozs.

We had a little scare Monday night. I put him in his cradle around 11 and as I watched him sleep I noticed that he had bubbles coming out of his mouth and then started making choking sounds. Tommy called the nurse and she came in and took him off to the nursery. They had to give him some oxygen but not much. When she cam and updated us she told us everything was fine and that she thought he had some amniotic fluid left in his lungs and when he tried to spit it up he also tried to swallow at the same time. He ended up sleeping in the nursery that night because we wanted him to be watched all night.

The next day was much better. He had a CT Tuesday afternoon. Tommy and his mom took Baby T down to have the scan. The radiologist called us and told us that the results were way better than expected!! Praise God!! He told us that as of right now he has not developed Hydrocephalus and that his cerebellum was in tact. He is missing his vermis (we knew that) but has lots of vermis tissue, which is good. This all was a HUGE relief!!

On Wednesday we came home and and began to enjoy being parents instead of having to run off to Atlanta for surgery. I had no idea how exhausting it would be. My mom spent Wednesday and Thursday night with us. She has been a huge help and we could not be more thankful for her. She and I stayed in our room and Tommy has been sleeping in the guest room (he has night and morning shifts so mom and I can sleep). Baby Tommy LOVES to "play" at night. We have tried many things to get him to sleep on his own but as soon as we put him down he is wide awake so we take turns holding him while the other sleeps.

Before we left the hospital they told us he had a little Jaundice. We went Thursday and today to the outpatient lab to have his bilirubin checked. Yesterday he levels were higher than they were in the hospital so a nurse came to our house and brought us a light blanket. Today we went to the pediatrician and she told us everything looked good. After we left her office we went back to the lab to have his levels checked again. They were a little higher today then yesterday so we still have the blanket on him. We go back in the morning to have them checked again so hopefully is levels will be down so we can take the blanket off of him. I am sure it is very uncomfortable and it is beginning to rub his little armpits raw.

We will go to see the ped. neurosurgeon on February 4th. He will tell us if and when he will need an MRI.

I could have never imagined the unconditional love I would feel for someone else. It is the best feeling in the world. He is the most precious gift and I cannot wait to watch him grow.

God is amazing and has blessed us with this miracle baby. Our faith has grown tremendously and I will never understand why people do not believe. Baby Tommy is living proof that God performs miracles and that he lives within each and everyone of us.

Please continue to pray for our sweet angel.

God is great

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Baby Tommy News

Tuesday night my mom sent this letter to some of her friends and I figured I would post it on the blog until I had more time to post.

> Hi Friends,
> Just wanted to give you an update on Baby Tommy. He is doing well. He weighs 6 lbs. 14 oz. and is 18 1/4 inches long and I might add, he is quite handsome with all of his dimples!!
> > We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support over the last few months. He had his CT scan today and everything looked better than expected. He does not have hydrocephalus now and so at this point, he will not need shunt surgery. He is going to visit the pediatric nuerosurgeon in about 2 weeks and will have an MRI done then which will show more.
> > The basic things we were worried about before birth was that he would be able to breathe on his on and also that he would be able to feed well. Thankfully he is doing both! He is able to be in the room with Holli and Tommy and will hopefully come home tomorrow. Unfortunately, because of health concerns, he won't be accepting any visitors except grandparents for a while (needless to say, we have some very anxious siblings, but we will do what is best for baby Tommy).
> > We are just praising God for this precious gift he has given our family. We are extremely proud of Holli and Tommy. They have grown up so much in the last few months. They are already proving to be wonderful parents. That baby is one lucky little boy to have them and I can assure you that Holli and Tommy feel extremely lucky and proud to be his parents.
> > I am not sending a picture because Holli wants to be able to have that special honor of posting the first pics online. However, if you happen to be at Sunday School Sunday, I may have a few to pass around!!
> > Thanks again for all of the prayers and please don't stop them. Please pray that his MRI will give us even more great news. And by the way, if you happen to know anyone who does not believe in the power of prayer, just ask them to call the Donalds and the Bergs!!!
> > Love to all of you,
> Connie and Cliff

Sunday, January 17, 2010


We are waiting on the hospital to call and tell us if there is a room available. They said they would call between 8 and 10 tonight. All day I have felt this feeling of peace and have been extremely relaxed considering I have love plans and like to know exactly what is going to happen. Tommy has been keeping himself busy today getting things ready. He is on cloud 9!

I am taking my computer to the hospital and hoping that I have service. My plan is to update the blog whenever we get any news. Right now we have no idea what tomorrow will bring. He may have to go to the NICU right away or he may be able to stay with us for a little while before going.

I know God is going to take care of us and our sweet baby Tommy. We are relying on him to get us through this and each and every day. We cannot wait to become parents to this miracle baby.

Tommy and I could not feel more loved and supported by everyone and we cannot express how thankful we are for each and everyone of y'all.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

Lots of Hope,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Only 5 more days!

We had our last doctor's appointment today. The plan right now is to go in Sunday night and get induced on Monday morning. So needless to say I am beginning to go into panic mode. Our doctor said that we would have the stork squad in the delivery room in case Tommy needs immediate attention. Once he is born the neonatologist and our pediatrician will get in touch with Dr. Boydston (our ped. neurosurgeon) to schedule the shunt surgery.
I am so excited about meeting our sweet baby boy and at the same time I am scared to death of everything baby Tommy will have to go through. We pray everyday for a miracle and will always pray for that. Baby Tommy is already so loved by so many people and he has already made such a positive change in mine and Tommy's life.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out and given us tons of support. We are so grateful to have so many people that care about our sweet baby. Please continue to keep us in your prayers especially within this next week.